57 research outputs found

    Whence and whereto?

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    Se trata de un artículo invitado en el que el Pr. Martí, miembro del comité editor de la revista, ofrece en base a su experiencia algunas reflexiones sobre el tema al que se orienta la revista

    Concrete Swelling in Existing Dams

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    Several chemical reactions are able to produce swelling of concrete for decades after its initial curing, a problem that affects a considerable number of concrete dams around the world. Principia has had several contracts to study this problem in recent years, which have required reviewing the state-of-the-art, adopting appropriate mathematical descriptions, programming them into user routines in Abaqus, determining model parameters on the basis of some parts of the dams’ monitored histories, ensuring reliability using some other parts, and finally predicting the future evolution of the dams and their safety margins. The paper describes some of the above experience, including the programming of sophisticated non-isotropic swelling models, that must be compatible with cracking and other nonlinearities involved in concrete behaviour. The applications concentrate on two specific cases, an archgravity dam and a double-curvature arch dam, both with a long history of concrete swelling and which, interestingly, entailed different degrees of success in the modelling effort

    Post-cracking Behabiour of a Wind Turbine Concrete Tower

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    The paper deals with the dynamic performance of a simply reinforced concrete tower built using prefabricated elements. The main uncertainty of this strategy stems from the possible cracking of the concrete and its implications on the stiffness, natural frequency and dynamic amplification of the tower. In 2006 an 80 m high prototype was built, supporting a 1.5 MW wind generator, carefully instrumented and test loaded to 80% of its design capacity. The prototype and installed instrumentation remained in operation for 3 years. Detailed calculations were carried out of the cracking induced in the concrete and its effects on the natural frequency of the tower, as a function of wind speed and orientation; the results were compared with the monitoring data. It is concluded that numerical modelling with Abaqus allowed good predictions and interpretations of the observed response of the tower. Also, simply reinforced concrete is shown to be a good option for high towers; if the structure is well designed, the natural frequency will not migrate to a point where its proximity to the forcing frequency will lead to unacceptable levels of the dynamic amplification

    Integral Bridge for High-Speed Railway

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    The structural continuity of fully integral bridges entails many advantages and some drawbacks. Among the latter, the cyclic expansions and contractions of the deck caused by seasonal thermal variations impose alternating displacements at the piers and abutments, with effects that may be difficult to establish reliably. The advantages include easier construction and cheaper maintenance but, especially, horizontal loads can be transmitted to the ground in a much better way than in conventional bridges. This paper first presents a methodology for dealing with the problems that the cyclic displacements imposed raise at the abutments and at the bridge piers. At the former, large pressures may develop, possibly accompanied by undesirable surface settlements. At the latter, the degree of cracking and the ability to carry the specified loads may be in question. Having quantified the drawbacks, simplified but realistic analyses are conducted of the response of an integral bridge to braking and seismic loads. It is shown that integral bridges constitute an excellent alternative in the context of the requirements posed by new high-speed railway lines

    Concrete constitutive model, calibration and applications

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    A methodology has been developed for characterising the mechanical behaviour of concrete, based on the damaged plasticity model, enriched with a user subroutine (V)USDFLD in order to capture better the ductility of the material under moderate confining pressures. The model has been applied in the context of the international benchmark IRIS_2012, organised by the OECD/NEA/CSNI Nuclear Energy Agency, dealing with impacts of rigid and deformable missiles against reinforced concrete targets. A slightly modified version of the concrete damaged plasticity model was used to represent the concrete. The simulation results matched very well the observations made during the actual tests. Particularly successful predictions involved the energy spent by the rigid missile in perforating the target, the crushed length of the deformable missile, the crushed and cracked areas of the concrete target, and the values of the strains recorded at a number of locations in the concrete slab

    Seismic hazards of the Iberian Peninsula - evaluation with Kernel functions

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    The seismic hazard of the Iberian Peninsula is analysed using a nonparametric methodology based on statistical kernel functions; the activity rate is derived from the catalogue data, both its spatial dependence (without a seismogenetic zonation) and its magnitude dependence (without using Gutenberg–Richter's law). The catalogue is that of the Instituto Geográfico Nacional, supplemented with other catalogues around the periphery; the quantification of events has been homogenised and spatially or temporally interrelated events have been suppressed to assume a Poisson process. The activity rate is determined by the kernel function, the bandwidth and the effective periods. The resulting rate is compared with that produced using Gutenberg–Richter statistics and a zoned approach. Three attenuation laws have been employed, one for deep sources and two for shallower events, depending on whether their magnitude was above or below 5. The results are presented as seismic hazard maps for different spectral frequencies and for return periods of 475 and 2475 yr, which allows constructing uniform hazard spectra

    Peligrosidad sísmica en la península ibérica

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    Se estudia la peligrosidad sísmica en la Península Ibérica con una metodología no paramétrica basada en estimadores de densidad kernel; la tasa de actividad se deduce del catálogo, tanto en cuanto a su dependencia espacial (prescindiendo de zonificación) como en relación con la magnitud (obviando la ley de Gutenberg-Richter). El catálogo es el del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, complementado con otros en zonas periféricas, homogeneizado en su cuantificación de los terremotos y eliminando eventos espacial o temporalmente interrelacionados para mantener un modelo temporal de Poisson. La tasa de actividad sísmica viene determinada por la función kernel, el ancho de banda y los períodos efectivos. La tasa resultante se compara con la obtenida usando estadísticas de Gutenberg-Richter y una metodología zonificada. Se han empleado tres leyes de atenuación: una para terremotos profundos y dos para terremotos superficiales, dependiendo de que su magnitud fuera superior o inferior a 5. Los resultados se presentan en forma de mapas de peligrosidad para diversas frecuencias espectrales y períodos de retorno de 475 y 2475 años, lo que permite construir espectros de peligrosidad uniforme

    Seismic Activity Rates in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Evaluating the seismic hazard requires establishing a distribution of the seismic activity rate, irrespective of the methodology used in the evaluation. In practice, how that activity rate is established tends to be the main difference between the various evaluation methods. The traditional procedure relies on a seismogenic zonation and the Gutenberg-Richter (GR) hypothesis. Competing zonations are often compared looking only at the geometry of the zones, but the resulting activity rate is affected by both geometry and the values assigned to the GR parameters. Contour plots can be used for conducting more meaningful comparisons, providing the GR parameters are suitably normalised. More recent approaches for establishing the seismic activity rate forego the use of zones and GR statistics and special attention is paid here to such procedures. The paper presents comparisons between the local activity rates that result for the complete Iberian Peninsula using kernel estimators as well as two seismogenic zonations. It is concluded that the smooth variation of the seismic activity rate produced by zoneless methods is more realistic than the stepwise changes associated with zoned approaches; moreover, the choice of zonation often has a stronger influence on the results than its fairly subjective origin would warrant. It is also observed that the activity rate derived from the kernel approach, related with the GR parameter “a”, is qualitatively consistent with the epicentres in the catalogue. Finally, when comparing alternative zonations it is not just their geometry but the distribution of activity rate that should be compared

    Seismic Isolation of Liquefied Natural Gas Tanks: a Compartive Assessment

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    In severe seismic environments, tanks for storage of liquefied natural gas may benefit from seismic isolation. As the design accelerations increase, the inner tank undergoes progressively greater demands and may suffer from corner uplift, elephant’s foot buckling, gross sliding, shell thickness requirements beyond what can be reliably welded and, eventually, global uplift. Some of these problems cause extra costs while others make the construction impossible. The seismic environments at which the previous problems arise are quantified for modern 160,000 m3 tanks, whether supported on shallow or pile foundations, for both a conventional design and one employing seismic isolation. Additionally, by introducing some cost assumptions, comparisons can be made as to the cost of dealing with the seismic threat for each seismic environment and tank design option. It then becomes possible to establish the seismic environments that require seismic isolation, as well as to offer guidance for decisions in intermediate cases

    Concrete Swelling in Two Spanish Dams

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    Several chemical reactions are able to produce swelling of concrete for decades after its initial curing, a problem that affects a considerable number of concrete dams around the world. Principia has had several contracts to study this problem in recent years, which have required reviewing the state-ofthe-art, adopting appropriate mathematical descriptions, programming them into user routines in Abaqus, determining model parameters on the basis of some parts of the dams’ monitored histories, ensuring reliability using some other parts, and finally predicting the future evolution of the dams and their safety margins. The paper describes some of the above experience, including the programming of sophisticated nonisotropic swelling models, that must be compatible with cracking and other nonlinearities involved in concrete behaviour. The applications concentrate on two specific cases, an arch-gravity dam and a double-curvature arch dam, both with a long history of concrete swelling and which, interestingly, entailed different degrees of success in the modelling effort